陳玟君 博士
Gina Wen-Chun Chen, Ph.D.

ESP/EAP Training
Technology-Mediated Content/Material Production
ESL and EFL Education in Digital Language Learning Environment
EMI Teacher’s Training
Instructional Design
Grants 研究計畫
2023 教育部補助大專校院教學實踐研究計畫: 語言與內容並重的「探究式學習」: 跨域英語寫作的生成課程設計 (PED1121185)
2022 教育部補助大專校院教學實踐研究學門績優計畫: 參與式英語簡報訓練課程設計: 語言溝通結合視覺圖像與問答互動技巧 (PED1110376)
2022 教育部111年度高等教育深耕計畫之創新教學計畫: 「探究式教學模式」搭配「 三軌任務學習」重塑大一英文寫作教學課程
2022 中正大學清江數位學習中心數位教材製作獎勵: 「時事英語及國際觀」課程
2021 教育部補助大專校院教學實踐研究學門績優計畫: 「新聞英語與國際觀」課程設計2.0 : 線上辯論結合跨領域協同教學培育批判性思考 (PED1101011)
2021 中正大學清江數位學習中心數位教材製作獎勵: 「職場英語與實作」課程
2020 教育部補助大專校院教學實踐研究計畫: 英語簡報訓練跨界新概念: 語言溝通結合視覺圖像與新媒介 (PED1090690)
2019 教育部補助大專校院教學實踐研究學門績優計畫: 國際時事英文導讀--結合虛擬角色扮演與文體教學的學習成效研究 (PED1080281)
2018 教育部補助大專校院教學實踐研究計畫: 線上語言教學影片之品質評估指標與實作訓練 (PED107124)
2018 中正大學創新教學計畫「年輕世代新釋在地街頭文化:學生「播客」跨海跨校文化交流」
2017 語言學習者製播線上影片之「示能性」—比較直播與非直播雙模式 (MOST 106-2410-H-194-058) 。
2016 教學卓越--創新教學試辦計畫 「語文跨界職能培育:戲劇創作與數位出版」。
2016 體驗式人文課程。
2015 跨領域推動重大計畫—前瞻特色發展計畫 : 多語數位出版人才培育。
2015 應用翻轉學習在外語實務型課程中的任務設計及誘發效應 (MOST 104-2410-H-194-086) 。
2014 英語為國際語之跨文化學習:數位繪本在高等教育之應用 (MOST 103-2410-H-194-033) 。
2013 線上學術交流之口語訓練:慣用語句使用及中英文混用之探討(NSC 102-2410-H-194 -038) 。
2013 增進技職院校研究生學術英文閱讀理解—共讀行動應用程式的發展與應用(NSC 102-2511-S-147 -001) 。
2012 跨國線上學術對話的論述實踐架構及慣用語句使用分析(NSC 101-2410-H-194 -111) 。
2012 學習任務對跨校線上外語學習及溝通的影響(教育部KPI指標效能提升計畫) 。
2011 前瞻計畫多語言暨多文化基礎教育之社區扎根經營。
2011 教學卓越計畫第三子計畫多媒體世界文化環境創造及語言學習策略引導,成立全校多媒體英語學習諮詢中心
Publications 各類發表
Journal articles期刊論文:
Chen, W. C. (2021) Instructional design and practice for news English. Taiwan International ESP Journal. 12 (1), 65-88. doi: 10.6706/TIESPJ.202106_12(1).0004. (TCI-HSS, ACI and Scopus.)
Chen, I.J. & Chen, W.C. (2015) Perceived usefulness of a strategy-based peer annotation system for improving academic reading comprehension. Journal of Interactive Learning Research. 27 (1), 27–51. (Scopus, #4 Journal Ranking in “Learning Research” , H-Index; 2015 RG Journal impact 0.29)
Chen, W. C. (2014). Actual and preferred teacher feedback on student blog writing. Australasian Journal of Educational Technology. 30(4), 402–414. (SSCI, IF 1.363, Ranking 15.1% in in Education & Educational Research)
Chen, W. C. (2014). Proficiency as a factor in English-medium instruction online tutoring. English Language Teaching. 7(3), 134–149 doi: 10.5539/elt.v7n3p134 (Excellence in Research for Australia, ERA Journal Index)
Chen, W. C., Shih, Y.-C. D., & Liu, G.-Z. * (2013). Task design and its induced learning effects in a cross-institutional blog-mediated telecollaboration. Computer Assisted Language Learning, 1–21. doi: 10.1080/09588221.2013.818557 (SSCI & AHCI, IF: 1.020, Ranking: 27.4% in Education & Educational Research, 23.75% in Linguistics )
Chen, W. C.*, & Eslami, Z. (2013). Focus on form in live chats. Journal of Educational Technology & Society, 16(1), 147–158. (SSCI, IF: 1.171, Ranking: 21%, )
Chen, W. C. (2012). Professional growth during cyber collaboration between pre-service and in-service teachers. Teaching and Teacher Education, 28(2), 218–228. doi: 10.1016/j.tate.2011.09.010 (SSCI, IF: 1.264, Ranking: 18.26%)
Chen, W. C.*, Huang, S. H. (2012). Advance organizer application for video viewing: The effects on vocational high school students’ listening comprehension. Studies in English Language and Literature, 29, 87–108. (THCI).
Shin, J. *, Eslami, Z., & Chen, W. C. (2011). Presentation of local and international culture in current international English-language teaching textbooks. Language, Culture and Curriculum, 24(3), 253–268. (SSCI & AHCI, IF: 0.206, Ranking 63.63%)
Chen, L. C.*, & Chen, W. C. (2010). Cultural issues during intercultural communication [跨文化溝通中的文化差異問題]. Foreign Language Studies (外國語文研究)(11), 91–122. (THCI)
Chen, W. C. (In review). Awareness of academic formulaic sequences: From experts’ input to learners’ output. Journal of English for Academic Purpose. (SSCI, IF: 0.976)
Refereed articles/Book chapters專書論文
Chen, W. C. (2023). Multimedia-Enhanced English Presentation Training With the Audience in Mind. Proceeding of European Conference on Education
2023 (pp.637–645). Hybrid: IAFOR
Chen, W. C. (2020). Learning international literacy and news English through cross-disciplinary instructional modules. Proceeding of the European Conference on Education 2020 (pp.411-420). Nagoya, Japan: IAFOR (PED1080281)
Chen, W. C. (2019). Exploring evaluative criteria and production training of online language-teaching videos. In G. Marks (Ed.), Proceedings of Global Learn 2019-Global Conference on Learning and Technology (pp. 83-88). Princeton-Mercer, New Jersey: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE). ISBN: #978-1-939797-43-8, Retrieved from https://www.learntechlib.org/p/210293
Chen, W.C. (2019). Affordances of dual online video modes. In G. Marks (Ed.), Proceedings of Global Learn 2019-Global Conference on Learning and Technology (pp. 233-238). Princeton-Mercer, New Jersey: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE). ISBN: #978-1-939797-43-8, Retrieved from https://www.learntechlib.org/primary/p/210311/.
Chen, W. C. (2017). Learner-led video production projects. In Y. M. Chen (Ed.), The meaning of the end. (pp. 155–170). Taipei: Crane Publishing Co. (Externally reviewed)
Chen, W. C. (2016). Proactive career planning through a practicum course. In C.C. Yeh (Ed.), Individual and community in the age of globalization. (pp. 69–84). Taipei: Crane Publishing Co. (Externally reviewed)
Chen, W. C. (2016, June 28–30). Bilingual digital publication for language majors: An exploratory practicum. G. Marks (Ed.), Proceeding of EdMedia 2016–World Conference on Educational Media and Technology. (pp. 810-811). Vancouver, BC, Canada: Association for the Advancement of Computing in Education (AACE). ISBN: #978-1-939797-24-7. Retrieved April 2, 2018 from https://www.learntechlib.org/p/173043/. (MOST 106-2410-H-194-058)
Chen, W. C. (2016, April 28 – May 1). The convergence of last and first-mile: Practicum curriculum redesign for language majors. Proceeding of the Sixth Asian Conference on Language Learning 2016, (pp.15-24). Kobe, Kobe, Japan. Retrieved from http://papers.iafor.org/wp-content/uploads/conference-proceedings/ACLL/ACLL2016_proceedings.pdf (MOST 106-2410-H-194-058)
Chen, W. C. (2014). Intercultural digital storytelling in higher education. In P.C. Feng (Ed.), Diversity and adaptation: Cross-cultural communication. (pp. 101–122). Taipei: Crane Publishing Co. (Externally reviewed)
Chen, W. C. (2013). Academic discourse adoption in global professional communities. In K. L. Liu (Ed.), Teaching foreign languages and literatures: Multiculturalism in foreign languages and literatures. (pp. 83–104). Taipei: Crane Publishing Co. (Externally reviewed)
Chen, W. C. (2012). A trilateral telecollaborative model for cross-border/-cultural task negotiation: The pilot study for virtual academic discussions in ELF. In C.L. Wei (Ed.), Globalization and digitalization: Pedagogical challenges and responses (pp. 63–84). Taipei: Crane Publishing Co. (Externally reviewed)
Chen, W.C.* & Chen, Y. M. (2011) Intervention for underused classroom technology: Teaming of pre-service and in-service language teachers. In Y. H. Chou (Ed.), Multimedia-based multicultural instruction and research: Innovative 21st-century approaches via literature and language (pp. 124–150). Taipei: Crane Publishing Co. (Externally reviewed)
Chen, W. C.* & Chen, Y. M. (2011) How graduate students “run the store": The team-based learning organization of a writing center. In Y. H. Chou (Ed.), Multimedia-based multicultural instruction and research: Innovative 21st-century approaches via literature and language (pp. 97–123). Taipei: Crane Publishing Co. (Externally reviewed)
Chen, W.C. (2023, July 3-5). Restructuring interdisciplinary teaching materials: Crossing over from non-STEM-to STEM. The 15th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies, Palma, Spain.
Chen, W. C. (2022, Jul). Worldview Construction through Blended Debate: Cultivating Critical English News Readers/Viewers. . The 5th Pedagogy and Practice in Technology Enhanced Language Learning, Online/Taipei
Chen, W. C. (2022, Jul). Using Online Debate to Cultivate Critical English News Readers/Viewers. The ETRA 2022, Online/Taipei . PED1101011.
Chen, W. C. (2021, July 28 ) 專業英語溝通:教學實踐與研究. Presentation in Campus-wide Workshop. National Taipei University of Business, Online.
Chen, W. C. (2021, Jun 27-29). English presentation training in a multimodal approach. Presentation in the 4th Pedagogy and Practice in Technology Enhanced Language Learning, Online/Taipei (榮獲PPTELL2021最佳口頭發表論文獎).
Chen, W. C. (June 11, 2021) 負面能量也能發電—疫情之下的新聞英語課程設計與實作. Presentation in 「2021創新教育與教學實踐研究論壇」, 逢甲大學,Online/Taichung. (keynote)
Chen, W. C. (2021, Apr, 17,-18) English presentation incorporating visualization and new mediums. Presentation in 2021 International Conference on Applied Linguistics & Language Teaching, National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taipei
Chen, W. C. (Apr, 04, 2021) Re-vitalizing English presentation training: Verbal and visual communications. Presentation in 「Issues of Globalization: Technology and Innovation in English Teaching」, Online/Chiayi . (invited talk)
Chen, W. C. (2021, Feb 5-7). Trilateral English presentation training: ESP, visualization, and tools. CamTESOL Virtual Conference. Phnom Penh, Cambodia.
Chen, W. C. (Dec 17, 2020) English Oral Presentations with Multimedia Graphic Communication. Personation in 2020 NTUST Innovative English Teaching Symposium and Exhibition. NTUST, Taipei. (keynote).
Chen, W. C. (2020, Oct 16–19). News English for international literacy: Exploring role play in genre-based instruction. 2020 TESPA International Conference on English for Specific Purposes, Taipei
Chen, W. C. (2020, July 16–19). From college to workplace: English for specific purposes beyond technical skill. Paper presented in the European Conference on Education 2020, London, UK. (PED1080281)
Chen, W. C. (2020, May 02). Instructional module design for news English learning. Paper presented in the 10th International Research Conference on Education, Language and Literature, Tbilisi, Georgia. (PED1080281)
Chen, W. C. (2019, May 17–18). Evaluative criteria and production of online language-teaching videos. Paper presented in the 36th ETRA, Taichung, Taiwan. (PED107124)
Chen, W. C. (2018, August 22–25). Tool affordance of video production tasks: Live stream vs. pre-recorded. Paper presented in the EUROCALL 2018, Jyväskylä, Finland (MOST 106-2410-H-194-058)
Chen, W. C. (2017, November 17–20). Student-led video production and broadcasting. Paper presented in the 43th Annual International Conference on Language Teaching and Learning & Educational Materials Exhibition (JALT 2017), Tsukuba, Japan. (MOST 106-2410-H-194-058)
Chen, W. C. (2015, February 03-05). Intercultural learning via digital storytelling: A telecollaboration between Taiwan and S. Korea. Proceeding of 2015 International Conference on Education, Psychology and Society (pp.103-111). Tokyo, Japan. (MOST 103-2410-H-194-033)
Chen, W. C. (2014, November 21–24). Digital storytelling for cross-cultural Reflective learning. Proceeding of AsiaCALL2014 (pp.252-238). Changhua City, Taiwan. (MOST 103-2410-H-194-033)
Huang, M. W. & Chen, W. C. (2014, November 17–19). Digital Storytelling for Reflective Learning in Cross Border Collaborative Context. ETA-ROC 2014 The 23rd International Symposium and Book Fair on English Teaching, Taipei.
Chiu, Y. C & Chen, W. C. (2014, April 17–19). Taiwanese Graduate Students' Interactional Competence in Cross-Border Online Academic Discussions. Paper presented at 2014 International Conference on Applied Linguistics & Language Teaching (ALLT). Taipei.
Chen, W. C. (2013, November 06–08). The focused input and output of EAP formulaic expressions for virtual academic discussions. Proceeding of International Symposium on Language, Linguistics, Literature and Education (ISLLLE 2013) (pp. 356-368). Osaka, Japan: Asia-Pacific Education & Research Association Inc.
Chen, W. C. (2013, March 03–05). Formulae for discursive practice in international online academic discussions. Proceeding of 2013 International Conference on International Symposium on Education and Psychology (ISEP 2013) (pp. 49-70). Kitakyushu, Japan: Knowledge Association of Taiwan.
Chen, W.C. (2012, November 09 –11). A Sustainable model of world language and culture tutoring center. Paper presented at the 21st International Symposium and Book Fair on English Teaching, Taipei. Funded by Teaching Excellence Project (教育部)
Chen, W. C. & Shih, Y.C. (2012, April 26) The effect of teacher feedback on a blog writing collaboration. Paper presented at 2012 International Conference on English Learning and Teaching, Kaohsiung.
Chen, W. C. (2012). Formulaic language use in virtual academic discussions. Proceedings of Global Learn 2012 (pp. 152–157). AACE. Retrieved from http://www.editlib.org/p/42058.
Chen, W. C., Shih, Y.-C. D., & Liu, G.-Z. (2012). Re-training digital natives for communicative writing in a web 2.0 era. Proceeding of 2012 STU International Conference on English Teaching and Learning (pp.35–50). Tainan: Southern Taiwan University.
Chen, W. C., Fuchs, C., Chang, C. Y., & Shulman-Kumin, E. (2012). Intercultural academic discussions via Web 2.0 communication mediums. In J. Colpaert, A. Aerts, W.-C. V. Wu & Y.-C. J. Chao (Eds.), Proceeding of 2012 CALL Conference: The Medium Matters (pp. 148–154). Antwerp: Taylor and Francis.
Chen, W., & Huang, S., H. (2010, December 17-18). Effect of video viewing supported with advance organizer instruction on vocational high school students’ listening comprehension training. Paper presented at the Fourteenth International Conference on Multimedia Language Instruction (ROCMELIA 2010), Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
Chen, W. C. (2010, November 04). Language learning through online collaboration: The union between SLA and Web 2.0. Paper presented at the International Symposium on Language and Communication Multi-media Environment for Communication, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
Chen, W., & Shih, Y. D. (2010). Cultivating linguistic ownership through reflective blog-writing: A college-level dyadic collaboration through Web 2.0. In Z. W. Abas, I. Jung & J. Luca (Eds.), Global Learn Asia Pacific 2010—Global Conference on Learning and Technology (pp. 291–297). Penang, Malaysia: AACE. Retrieved from http://www.editlib.org/p/34189
Chen, W. C., & Chen, L. C. (2010, May 15). Study-abroad students’ cultural shock and the significance of cultivating intercultural abilities. Paper presented at the New Trends in Contemporary European Literature, Culture and Language, 「當代歐洲文學、文化暨語言發展新趨勢」國際學術研討會,Taipei, Taiwan.
Chen, C. C., Chen, I. J., & Chen, W. C. (2010). More than just audio guide-listening—Listening comprehension training of foreign language supported by mobile devices, Proceeding of 2010 UbiLearn (pp.125-131). Tainan: National Tainan University
Chen, W., & Chen, L. C. (2009). Cultural and linguistic input through a collaborative telecommunication between Taiwanese and American college students. In S.-R. Lin (Ed.), International Conference on Innovation of Teaching and Learning (ICITL 2009) (pp. 5-20). Jhongli City, Taiwan: Graduate Institute of Learning and Instruction, National Center University. (Best Paper Award)
Chen, W. C., Eslami, Z. (2009, March 21-24). Incidental noticing in text-based computer-mediated communication: A study of a task-based telecommunication between native and nonnative English Speakers. Paper presented in Conference of American Applied Linguistics (AAAL 2009), Denver, Colorado. NSC補助#98BFA1000022.
Translation Works翻譯作品:
Chen, W. (2002). 國際行銷管理 [Original: Keegan, W.J. (1999). Global Marketing Management. 6/e]. Taipei: Hua-Tai Co., ISBN:9576094119.
Chen, W. (1996). The Crazy Santa. (French Children’s Book-Le Père Noël Maboul).